The essay writing cost depends on a lot of things. If you want to get professional assistance, you should know what papers cost more. Besides, it is necessary to know how to cut down expenses and afford more services. This article is a key to the most affordable papers.
One of the most influential factors of the paper cost is the deadline. The less time a writer has, the higher the cost will be. For example, the price for a perfect essay on religion might vary from $10 to $100 per page. Professionals recommend requesting a writer’s help in advance to reduce the cost. Budget-friendly essays are impossible if experts need to work without rest.
This table shows the usual cost rise connected with the deadline:
Deadline | Cost increase |
2+ weeks | Standard pricing |
One week | If a paper is lengthy, it will add an extra 5-10% |
3-6 days | +10-15% |
One or two days | +50-100% |
Up to 24 hours | 75-200% |
The percentage depends on the complexity level and the length of the paper. The longer and more challenging it is, the more you will need to pay.
The MBA essay cost is usually higher than the cost of a school essay in English Literature. The complexity adds extra cost as the essay pricing guide relates to the academic level:
Regarding this fact, the pricing with the longest deadline can be the following:
Academic level | Standard cost per page |
school/ high school | $10-20 |
college | $15-30 |
university | $20-50 |
(Post)graduate | $30-100 |
According to the OWL Purdue, the complexity of academic writing creates challenges for both writers and readers. Professionals explain it by the increased number of terms, formal tone, and complex sentence structures that cheap essay writers must use to correspond to the requested academic level.
Many students think that one page of an essay costs the same for all disciplines and requirements. Yet, this opinion is a mistake. Of course, a lot of cheap essay services provide a free online calculator that helps newcomers learn the approximate cost of their order. Yet, when they proceed to the order filling, they need to mention such details as:
Such things also influence the custom essay price. For example, quality business essay help usually requires tables, diagrams, scales, and other visualizations to back up the introduced facts. Some professors adore a long list with cited sources, while others are too picky with in-text citations and footnotes. As a result, an expert requires more time and effort to accomplish such assignments, which affects the final cost.
When you use a calculator online, you will see that the cost of essay help changes depending on the volume feature. There are two options you can find on the law essay writing service website:
The reason is the frequency of certain requests. Some companies say that their clients ask them to write a certain number of characters according to their college requirements. Other companies get orders with the mentioned number of pages or words.
However, the number of words is a dominating factor as spacing and font decides everything. Regarding various formatting styles, one page might have from 250 to 500 words. According to the FontsArea, a single-spaced page in Times New Roman 12 of an argumentative essay usually encounters up to 500 words, while a double-spaced – 250.
Finally, you should understand that the service of advanced experts always costs more. When you choose a hairdresser or a lawyer, you consider their reputation, education, and working experience in the requested service. You can also find their clients to learn more about their skills and quality of the provided services.
If you compare essay services, you will also see the difference in pricing. New companies aim to gain more clients, so they set lower costs. Experienced companies have a big staff with writers of different qualifications and educational backgrounds. As a result, they can set higher costs for their assistance.
What is more, the price for help with nursing essay can differ even within one website. Everything depends on the chance to choose a performer. Not all services allow you to select one. Yet, if you can choose, you will see the difference in the introduced profiles.
So, a writer with a Bachelor’s Degree can offer lower service costs than a performer with a Doctoral Degree in Science.
Molly Bawn said, “The beauty is in the eye of the beholder.” Speaking about a college essay cost, the beholders are students and professors. They are those who decide if the service is worth paying or not.
For that, you need to request professional assistance to evaluate the quality of the provided assistance. Besides, reputable companies value their loyal customers and offer freebies like no-cost reviews, title pages, AI and plagiarism checks, etc. So, you can even save more when dealing with top-rated services.
Those who write academic papers know how important each writing detail is. According to NCBI, a title is something that all people pay attention to when they search for information. Everyone reads a title of a book or a paper, so this part of a work is the most readable one. Consequently, it must be […]
An essay is a form of homework that all students are already used to. Some people purchase essays online and some write them on their own. But the more we write, the more it seems to us that there is no more perfect text. But unfortunately, there are many mistakes that even the most experienced […]
Those who write academic papers know how important each writing detail is. According to NCBI, a title is something that all people pay attention to when they search for information. Everyone reads a title of a book or a paper, so this part of a work is the most readable one. Consequently, it must be […]
An essay is a form of homework that all students are already used to. Some people purchase essays online and some write them on their own. But the more we write, the more it seems to us that there is no more perfect text. But unfortunately, there are many mistakes that even the most experienced […]
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