
How to Write a Book Review

There are several ways to approach writing a book review. Firstly, you should read the table of contents to get an idea about how the book is organized. Next, you should look at the author’s point of view, and review any relevant literature. In other words, your review must be as unbiased as possible. Then, […]

A Simple Guide on How to Write in Cursive

Writing in cursive form is a great habit and skill if you want to handwrite a letter, sign a holiday card, or write in a notebook. How can you improve your cursive handwriting skills? A lot more practice! You can improve the writing of lowercase and uppercase letters in special templates. The issue of cursive […]

Scholarship Essay Format – A Complete Guide

Students have to face essay writing. They must write different essay types, and each may induce different complications. One of the most complicated types is a scholarship essay. It makes everything so complicated because an applicant must convince the committee that he/she is a worthy candidate for receiving a grant. Students get nervous about this […]

Literary Analysis Essay – Step By Step Guide

In this article, I will discuss what a Literary Analysis Essay is, why it’s important, and how to structure one. It will also include an outline that will help you complete your literary analysis essay in the proper format. The purpose of a literary analysis essay is to help readers understand the theme or subject […]

How To Write An Argumentative Essay Outline?

If you are struggling to write an argumentative essay, you may be wondering about How To Write An Argumentative Essay Outline. Outlining your essay is a crucial part of argumentative essay writing. Without an outline, you run the risk of not having any structure. Outlining your essay will save you the time and energy needed […]

How to Write a 500-Word Essay?

A 500-word essay follows a structure analogous to shorter essays. Each paragraph is around 75-200 words, with 3-5 well-written sentences. It is around 1-3 pages in length. The main thing is to correctly understand the topic and expose it using the correct essay structure. Teachers likely adopted the 500 word essay format because it strikes […]

How To Write A Personal Narrative Essay?

When you receive a personal narrative essay, don’t see it as boring. Instead, think of it as an opportunity. A blank page is your creative space to share your story. It’s your chance to express yourself and reveal your true self. This article will tell you how to start a personal narrative essay. Follow these […]

Research Paper Topics – Amazing Ideas to Get You Started

Regardless of what faculty you study at, at least once in your academic life you will be faced with the task of writing a research paper. It is a rather complicated process that consists of a large number of stages. Today we will be interested in the very first stage, namely, choosing one from a […]

How to Write an Essay on Religion?

Students have to write different types of essays and they always cover different topics. One of them is religion. What is religion essay? This is a short academic paper that covers any topic related to religion. Just like many other essays, it has pretty much the same structure and demands. Yet, many students still have […]

10 Essential Lessons from Past Recessions

Just over a year has come and gone, since it was officially announced the country was in recession, in January 2009.
12 months on and a lot of financial strife later, the world (at least to me), has become a very different place, to the one I had thought I had known. On a personal level it made me take a good hard look at my life, I realized just how lucky I am and thought about all the things I take…

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