10 Reasons Why Homework Should Be Banned

10 Reasons Why Homework Should Be Banned

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It is hardly possible to imagine a learning process without traditional homework. It is generally perceived as a means for solidifying information that students have learned at schools, colleges, universities, etc. However, there appear more and more debates about the possible negative effects of homework. Educators, psychologists, and even some parents claim that homework become a thing that hampers students’ well-being and has distressing effects in the long run.

In this article, we are going to study the topic in detail, focusing on the 10 major disadvantages of homework. Our findings are supported by expert opinions, research data, and real-world samples. 

1. Homework Causes Anxiety and Burnout

According to a study published in The Journal of Experimental Education, more than 70% of students reported that homework greatly impacted the quality of their life. Primarily, they stated that various assignments they had to do at home, often made them feel strained and worried. Besides, 56% of surveyed learners named homework as the main source of stress. Many of them confessed they thought about finding someone to do my math homework, write an essay, etc., just to lower anxiety.

The negative feelings spiked by homework can be manifested in different ways. The most common problems are:

  • Burnout
  • Headache
  • Sleep deprivation and disorder
  • Weight loss/gain
  • Irritation
  • Low self-esteem 

A reputable supporter of the idea that teachers shouldn’t give homework or at least reduce its amount is Dr. Robert Brooks. He has spent over 45 years, researching the topics of motivation and school climate, resilience, and positive work & study environment. The problem of homework is analyzed in many of his books and articles.

2. Shrinks Room for Entertainment and Other Activities

Based on the information from the recent poll on Worldmetrics.org, it is evident that 1 in 5 students is overwhelmed by the amount of homework. What’s more, almost 80% of teachers assign homework, while believing its amount should be decreased. On average, learners spend 2-4 hours daily handling their assignments. Considering, that kids also have tasks to take care of at weekends, the total time spent with tasks is staggeringly large.

Unfortunately, when children have to study so many hours each week, there is simply no room for hobbies and rest. The American Academy of Pediatrics claims this is a serious problem. Experts emphasize the necessity to combine intellectual and physical activities with creative outlets for balanced development. This approach is best represented by schools in Finland. Children there are encouraged to participate in extracurricular activities and have sufficient free time. Thus, they don’t suffer from assignments but can savor the advantages of homework

3. Increases Academic Gap

It is a pity to say that children from different families have different studying possibilities. Homework is a practice assignment that even accentuates this academic gap. The PEW statistics are flabbergasting:

  • 15% of school-age children lack high-speed internet at home and can’t complete their assignments.
  • 17% of teens don’t have computers and/or internet at home.
  • 35% of teens often use their phones for doing home tasks.
  • 21% of black kids search for public Wi-Fi to handle their assignments.

Besides, students from wealthy families often have access to quiet study spaces at home, tutors, and third-party services. For instance, they can pay for homework help, which is inaccessible for disadvantaged students.

4. Shapes “Work-First” Mentality 

One of the reasons why homework should be banned is a rough shift from creativity to a “do-this-task-perfectly” approach. This is a particularly serious issue among younger learners, but it can also affect graduate students. Children lose interest in thinking outside the box if they have lots of homework to complete. They just want to finish their countless tasks and get good grades. There is no place for creativity in a never-ending series of assignments.

5. Trims Enjoyable Family Time 

When students have their hands full of various tasks, they can’t spend quality time with their relatives and friends. If the situation drags for an extended period, the overall family dynamics is likely to suffer. Family get-togethers and bonding is paramount for our life satisfaction and happiness. The study in the journal Pediatrics shows that children with strong family connections are likely to succeed more in life and feel happier than peers, who are all about academic achievement. This is probably the reason behind growing demands for the “best site to do your homework” among learners. 

6. It Disregards the Learning Abilities of Each Student

Why is homework bad? Because it is universal for all students, while children are absolutely different and unique. The same task may be easy-peasy for one child and cause enormous confusion and stress for the other. Howard Gardner, the author of the theory of multiple intelligences, suggests that we learn in different ways:

  • Visually
  • Kinesthetically
  • Through auditory means
  • Mixed

That’s why, schools and universities need to be more flexible in terms of homework and offer tasks that can be approached from several perspectives. Of course, it is easier said than done. The educational system is changing but very slowly.

7. Loses Effectiveness

Another motive for teachers to stop giving homework is because it often fails to improve learning. Many of us associate school assignments with a better understanding of what we find out in the class and honing our skills. However, this is far from the truth. Harris Cooper, a professor at Duke University, discerned that homework does have some benefits but only when assigned in moderation. This statement is fully backed up by the Finish learning model where education has a game-based nature.

Fortunately, there are some positive changes in US schools and universities. For instance, the High Tech High School in San Diego, California, gradually moving to project-based learning. Moreover, some professors claim traditional homework is a waste of time

8. Doesn’t Prepare Students for Real Life

Classic homework has little to do with real-life challenges awaiting learners. Potential employers are rarely interested in repetitive, solitary tasks, which make up most home assignments. For example, Google is a world-famous company that chooses employees in accordance with their offbeat thinking potential, abilities to become team players, and aptitude to solve problem tasks promptly. CEOs want creative personalities ready to master new practices all the time.

9. Homework Can Put off Students from Learning

Some students say that their academic achievements aren’t that impressive just because loads of homework drive them crazy. When one task is over, there are 5 more that must be done. This infinite circle of assignments is depressing and annoying. Alfie Kohn, a reputable author and lecturer on education, emphasizes that lots of homework erodes students’ initial desire to learn and forms a negative attitude toward schools, teachers, and the entire system.

Because of this, many learners look for possible ways to simplify their studies and cut down on assignments. For instance, they google “write my essay paper for me” and choose a suitable service from multiple offers on the net. And who can judge them?

10. Prioritizes Quantity over Quality

The last answer to “Why should homework be banned” is because of a huge focus on the number of completed tasks, while their quality leaves much to be desired. It is no wonder that students can’t show remarkable results in all disciplines and they often have to prioritize tasks. Still, some teachers give lots of homework and learners do tasks half-heartedly due to the lack of time and strength. Hope the situation will change in the near future.

Final Words

The heated debates about the expediency of homework are far from settled. Still, more and more influential people are recognizing the negative sides of excessive home assignments. In addition, forward-looking educational organizations are developing and implementing innovative approaches to studying. Such changes spike the expectation that students will soon feel more enthusiastic about going to classes. 



Rethinking Homework By Alfie Kohn.

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