See who will work on your paper. Check reviews, ratings, and customer feedback to make sure your academic paper is in the most professional and skilled hands.
Here is how we select every writer for our service.
In the first stage, we accept applications from all writers who believe they are qualified and want to work for us.
68,3% of applicants appear to meet our requirements.
Now, the candidates should pass a thorough test in English to show excellent knowledge of the language conventions, grammar, spelling, etc.
9% of applicants pass this test successfully.
Every accepted applicant must complete an essay within just 30 minutes. The essay is on his familiar topic and in his field of specialization.
11% of applicants cope with this task.
Once we make sure the applicant has all the necessary skills to write papers for our customers, we check their recommendations and diplomas.
7% of all candidates become verified writers after that stage.
In the first stage, we accept applications from all writers who believe they are qualified and want to work for us.
68,3% of applicants appear to meet our requirements.
Every accepted applicant must complete an essay within just 30 minutes. The essay is on his familiar topic and in his field of specialization.
11% of applicants cope with this task.
Now, the candidates should pass a thorough test in English to show excellent knowledge of the language conventions, grammar, spelling, etc.
9% of applicants pass this test successfully.
Once we make sure the applicant has all the necessary skills to write papers for our customers, we check their recommendations and diplomas.
7% of all candidates become verified writers after that stage.
Only the most brilliant writers out of the best ones selected pass all the challenges and become a part of our team.
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