Regardless of what faculty you study at, at least once in your academic life you will be faced with the task of writing a research paper. It is a rather complicated process that consists of a large number of stages. Today we will be interested in the very first stage, namely, choosing one from a large amount of persuasive research paper topics.
For many students, research, reading literature, and writing are the most difficult tasks. However, from our own experience, we know that it is at the first stage that students get stuck.
Finding a research topic is hard. There are many factors to consider. You must find something that is interesting, relevant, and researchable. So, we decided to make our lives a little easier and created a list of interesting research paper topics that might inspire you. Read how to choose the best topic!
A research paper is a systematic process of collecting and analyzing information to gain new knowledge or confirm existing knowledge. There are different types of research. The most common ones that you have probably heard about from your professors are a case study or an analytical paper.
We believe that this type of assignment is the basis for student development. Although students often do not see the point in this process, it allows us to find new solutions to existing problems. For example, research can help analyze the economic factors that contributed to the economic recession and develop strategies for recovery.
If you’re at the stage of asking, “write my research paper for me,” hold on, we have good news for you. We have collected for you top 3 tips on how to choose a topic. All of our advice is based on a thorough analysis of Harvard University research and literature from renowned authors such as James D. Lester.
To choose topics to do a research paper on, you first need to ask yourself: what really interests you? It is important to answer this question honestly because this aspect will directly affect your motivation throughout the process.
Think about what really interests you – perhaps it’s your hobbies, personal experience, or current issues. For example, if you love TV shows but are studying English philology, you can delve into something more specific, such as “The impact of tv shows on learning English.” Or, if you are interested in sociology, instead of “Social media and its impact on society” consider “How Instagram affects teenagers’ self-esteem.”
The main thing is that the good research paper topics should not only be interesting, but also meet academic standards, allow for in-depth analysis and draw reasonable conclusions.
For such cases, when students sit for hours over a white sheet and cannot come up with a single topic for a research paper, a number of creative methods have been invented to facilitate this process.
One of these methods is free writing. The concept of this approach is quite banal but effective. Write down absolutely every thought that comes to your mind.
It doesn’t matter if they are spelled correctly or grammatically correct, the main thing is to generate thoughts without stopping. Based on these thoughts, you can develop valuable phrases and concepts that will help you get closer to the topic.
Another similar method for coming up with topics is to cluster ideas around a central theme. By clustering ideas, you can see how they are related to each other and what new ideas might emerge.
Ask Kenneth Burke’s Questions about your topic. Kenneth Burke’s questions include five aspects of a topic: action, agent, scene, agency, and purpose. This will help you better define what you want to research.
If you feel that you cannot cope on your own, consider using a research paper writing service. Experts in this field can give you extra help. They can help you form your topic and structure your paper.
You can’t do anything without research. It’s important to have a clear understanding of how and where to find the information you need to clarify your research topic. All this can be done both offline and online.
As for offline places where you can find inspiration, it is communication with other people. Sometimes, to clarify a research topic, you need to formally consult an expert or informally discuss the topic over a cup of coffee with a colleague, relative, or employee.
Also online sources are always helpful. Use academic databases such as InfoTrac, ERIC, and ProQuest to access peer-reviewed articles. These resources can provide you with relevant materials quickly. Or Google Scholar can be particularly useful for finding academic articles, book reviews and research.
Choosing a research paper topic can greatly impact the research’s success. So, it’s important to find ideas that are both interesting and doable. We checked out some super simple research paper topics perfect for newbies. Follow our tips as they will help you focus on the key aspects and avoid complications.
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