Homework has become an integral part of the learning process. It is very difficult to trace the history of homework because it seems that it has been always present. Still, not many students feel enthusiastic about completing tasks at home. In fact, they are sarcastic when asked what are the benefits of homework. They’d be glad to maintain a more relaxed lifestyle without boring and complicated assignments. So, there is a logical question – why we should have homework?
Simply put, homework is like an important bridge between studying in a class and reinforcing the material at home. However, there are other less obvious reasons that prove the necessity of home assignments. In this article, we are going to discuss the good things about homework in detail and share some interesting statistics about it.
If you have ever questioned why should I do my homework, you’ll be surprised to learn that such activities can have a positive impact on your overall academic results. According to the research conducted by Cooper, Robinson, and Patall, when doing homework, students can actually learn the material better. By repeating information in a relaxed home environment, they have higher chances of remembering it and recollecting it later.
Such learners also demonstrate more impressive results during tests and exams. Since they consolidate the learned materials at home, they generally know it better. Fortunately, today there are many online platforms that add an interactive element to the most tedious homework. We highly recommend using the following options to enjoy all the benefits of homework:
One of the core reasons why homework is good for students is its impact on their time management prowess. When you get a task, you clearly understand what the due date is. Thus, you learn to prioritize your academic and pastime activities to submit your work on time. Of course, you can pay someone to write your homework. However, you are unlikely to do this with every assignment, so you anyway pick up the habit of managing your time efficiently.
Brian Tracy, a popular time management expert, highlights that prioritizing tasks at an early age will yield many positive results in the future. Richard Branson, the co-founder of Virgin Group, also believes that homework is good for kids. The entrepreneur claims that students who regularly do homework, focusing on complicated tasks first, will manage their professional load better once they have jobs.
Currently, the most popular tools for time management are:
Should students have homework? Based on the article in ResearchGate, it becomes evident that homework increases students’ responsibility. When they receive a task, they need to plan how they will complete it. This resonates with the previous benefit of time management.
Even if a child isn’t going to manage the tasks themselves, they still need to come up with a valid solution of how to handle it. For instance, they can look for credible experts and ask them to do my math for me, write a critical review, etc. Anyway, they are still responsible for assignment completion, no matter what the process looks like.
One of the most noteworthy advantages of homework is the promotion of independent learning. It is rather easy to follow a structured plan suggested by a teacher in the class. The situation is absolutely different if you need to develop such a plan on your own. It not only refers to giving priorities to tasks and fulfilling them. You also need to find resources to execute tasks.
Students often have to look through multiple textbooks, offline and online libraries, as well as various sites to get an assignment done. When collecting and utilizing data, they acquire important knowledge and skills not only for present-day study but also for higher education and the workforce.
Does homework actually help? It surely does if you are interested in developing autonomy while learning that will further translate to success in your career. Currently, many leading companies offer flexible working schedules to employees and choose professionals capable of handling tasks without constant supervision.
For instance, Google has a famous “20% time” policy. It means that employees can devote 20% of their work time to side projects. The main idea behind this approach is that staffers work independently and can come up with offbeat solutions.
One of the most striking facts about homework is that it makes students genuinely believe that they can fulfill the task and achieve the deserved grades and praise. Dr. Carol Dweck, a famous psychologist, has developed the “Growth Mindset” theory. She claims that regular effort, e.g., homework, can cultivate resilience and confidence in performers. Besides, homework helps students learn to think outside the box and look for non-conventional solutions.
When a person can’t initially execute a task but gradually finds a proper way out, it is very motivating. If the process repeats on a regular basis, a learner will start feeling more confident about their personal abilities. Homework for practice is a very rewarding thing, even though such pros of homework aren’t obvious from the get-go.
Quite often the confidence that appears thanks to homework is accompanied by other important aspects:
Most of us know that education is important to society. However, few of us discern its value for the parent-child relationship. According to recent research on parent involvement and student academic performance, students memorize data faster and cope with homework in a stress-free manner if their parents assist them. Besides, when learners can rely on their families, they generally perceive school attendance more positively.
When trying to figure out why is homework so important, we should not only focus on academic achievements. The overall interaction between parents and their kids is very bonding. Adults can share ideas, give some helpful recommendations, and even fill in gaps in children’s knowledge. But it is important to be attentive and kind. If children can’t understand something, it is crucial to avoid scolding them. When the emotions are hard to suppress, it is better to look for alternative solutions, e.g., find cheap professional essay writers, experts for science projects, etc.
Is homework necessary? It surely is. You probably can name several reasons why students should not have homework, but every coin has two sides. We have tried to explain how is homework beneficial and back up our ideas with relevant studies and facts.
Sometimes, to feel the real positive effects of homework, you just need to work a bit more diligently. Besides, some of the positive aspects become tangible only after some period of meticulous work. If you want to improve your grades but are pressed for time to handle all your assignments yourself, don’t worry. You can always delegate the most complicated tasks to us. Our experts will be glad to help you.
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